
History and Music – Values that Bring Us Together – M.U.H.I.S.

History and Music – Values that Bring Us Together – M.U.H.I.S.

Proiectul „History and Music – Values that Bring Us Together” (1.HARD/2.1/101) este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană prin intermediul Programului Operațional Comun România-Republica Moldova 2014-2020, prioritatea 2.1, „Conservarea și promovarea patrimoniului cultural și...

Project-Value and Attitudes Education For Inclusive

Project-Value and Attitudes Education For Inclusive

Alongside with the different subjects, all teachers have the duty to instill their students, values and positive attitudes towards life and society. Education for values and attitudes is crucially beneficial for society and individual as well, standing at the base of...